Cabinet Mental Health & Wellness Commitments

赌博正规的十大网站致力于将我们对校园心理健康的关注提升到 的最高水平. Only when all our students, staff, and faculty can learn, work, 生活在一个促进心理健康的环境中,我们可以为学生提供优秀的文科教育经验和健康生活的技能和习惯. Based on consolidated review of feedback from students, faculty, staff, and parents, CC developed a plan of action.

Our mental health and wellness work is divided into four areas:

  • working with external expertise to help guide the college;
  • new and existing resources for students, faculty, and staff;
  • addressing stressors unique to the Block Plan, and;
  • 在我们的沟通和网站上创建更清晰和可访问的资源.

External expertise to help guide the college 





Mental Health & Wellness Task Force 


Colorado College’s Task Force on Mental Health and Wellness is made up of faculty, staff, students, parents and alumni. The Task Force will take a holistic approach to mental health and wellness on campus. 


Manya Whitaker  


5 of the 7 working groups submitted final reports. These reports will inform next steps for mental health and wellness at CC.  

External Review of our Mental Health Services 

Rankin Climate对我们的心理健康和健康进行了外部审查,其中包括沟通审计和为期两天的校园访问,期间他们会见了200名CC社区成员.

Manya Whitaker


Rankin submitted a final report in June 2023. This report will inform next steps for mental health and wellness at CC.  

Denison & other college reviews of best practices 

Cabinet members and others will visit colleges recognized for their mental health 以及当地大学学习管理校园心理健康和健康的新方法  

Pedro de Araujo


Report written and submitted. 工作中可能的行动项目:脉搏调查,重组健康资源中心.

Healthy Minds Designation 


To earn the Healthy Minds designation, a school must include mental health services information on syllabi and student IDs, offer prevention programs focused on improving mental health, hold at least one awareness event per year, 并提供在线心理健康支持或将学生与社区资源联系起来 

Rochelle Dickey  

Block 5, 2023 

Checklist almost completed, then we can submit application; still working on: ensure all course syllabi and student IDs list mental health resources. Waiting on college Wellness website to link to via QR code on IDs 

Suicide Prevention Collaborative of El Paso 

Collaborative是一个有共同设计目标的组织和社区领导者的联盟, organize, resource, 并利用科罗拉多-国家合作(CNC)框架协调统一战略的实施和维护. The goal is to reduce suicide deaths in El Paso County by 20% by the year 2024. 

Rochelle Dickey


Colorado College is officially a member with representatives on Education & Awareness Committee 

New and existing resources for students, faculty & staff 

Through our Task Force and Rankin Climate we will be identifying, testing and investing in new and varied resources to meet our student's needs. 



Resources continued to be shared with faculty to support students, and in a part of our new faculty orientation (EC).

Hiring a new AVP for Wellness 

The Associate Vice President for Wellness will be responsible for the vision, strategy, execution, and management of Colorado College’s holistic wellness commitment 

Lacy Karpilo

On Hold


Peer-to-peer resources 


Rochelle Dickey 

Block 5, 2023 

Students have been working with Wellness Resource Center to leverage existing resources and plan for new ones.  

Additions to counseling staff 


We understand that we have limited hours available and are working toward increasing our counselors' hours and adding new services like 24-hour telehealth 

Rochelle Dickey 

End of year 

We have identified a provider (VCG health) and ITS is working on integration, Finance is with the contract to be signed (2-year commitment).  

We have also just signed a contract with ThrivingCampus, 如何将学生与精心策划的外部心理健康提供者联系起来,提供面对面或远程医疗服务 

Children’s Hospital partnership with NCAA Athletics 

New pilot survey program allowing identification of group/team mental health indictors to guide intentional programming decisions in partnership with Ch Hospital. Post pilot program, goal is to roll out to larger student community.   

Lesley Irvine

Surveys complete and findings being analyzed. Recommendations from CH ongoing.

Surveys are complete and trends/risk factors identified. Board presentation occurred in June. 同侪辅导是CH采纳的建议之一,将于23年秋季推行. 与校园的合作正在进行中,以确定未来的人群进行调查,并继续从CH伙伴关系中发展CH.

Mental health & suicide prevention training for faculty & staff 

Through our Task Force and Rankin Climate will be identifying, testing and investing in new and varied resources to meet our student's needs. 

Rochelle Dickey


We have signed a contract and will be requiring all faculty and staff to take an online QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention training by end of Block 6

More & varied staff for sexual assault response and counseling 

We recognize we need to increase our focus, support and service as well as a variety of counselors 

Rochelle Dickey 

Recommendations by Block 6 

To be a focus of our Task Force 

Assess Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 

Assess current EAP access, quality, 以及确保我们有必要的资源来满足教职员工心理健康需求的服务.  

Ryan Simmons 


EAP assessment results:

  • EAP provides immediate phone-based support, but not emergency support (which should use the 911 or 811 systems).
  • Most employees can get access to care within 3 days, but…
    • Employees report dissatisfaction with the process of finding counsellors
    • 由于社区缺乏足够的咨询师,BIPOC和LGBTQ+咨询师的机会有限.
    • EAP does not meet need for immediate, on-site crisis support.


Stress due to Block Plan 


We recognize the BP can create different stressors than semester schools 




New absence guidelines for mental health issues 

We recognize the Block Plan can create stress on our students and our faculty. Our Task Force will examine these stressors and will examine student and faculty needs as well as recommend new ideas.  

Emily Chan 


The Faculty Executive Committee, Curriculum Executive Committee, and department chairs have discussed the revision of existing guideline and policies. New policy passed:

学生应定期参加课程,并对课程工作负责,无论是否出席. Instructors will determine attendance requirements for their courses. In general, 因生病或个人紧急情况而错过考试或交卷期限的学生,可以延期参加考试或交卷.

出勤政策必须允许每个学生缺勤一次,以支持福利而不受惩罚, details, or documentation (beyond notifying the professor about their absence). Instructors may designate certain days (e.g., exams that cannot be taken at multiple times, 旷课会对学生的成绩产生不利影响,因为灵活性会给其他学生和/或教师带来不必要的压力.

教师应提前与学生沟通这些日期和随之而来的成绩后果. 教师不需要为缺席的学生再现课堂经验. 教学大纲可能会概述学生应该采取哪些步骤来准备自己在返回后重新投入课堂.

All syllabi will have mental health resources information. See sample syllabi statement.

Anonymous reporting tool for students 

我们将教育学生,他们在班纳填写的课程评估是完全匿名的,让所有学生都有机会不仅仅是给课程打分 but to share concerns about unsafe learning climate or practices.  

Emily Chan








Complete, launched Spring 2023






The course evaluation that all students complete in Banner is 100% anonymous. Anonymous comments are seen not only by the instructor, but also the department chair and the dean of the faculty. 课程评估数据文件根本不包含学生信息、代码和标识符. Therefore, 它们是完全匿名的,是学生们分享匿名课程评论的有效工具.  

Speak Up Colorado College was launched in Block 5.

赌博正规的十大网站认为,组织成功和幸福的一个基本要素是,所有社区成员都以基本的诚实和正直行事,并按照大学的政策和法律行事. To enhance communication and empower community members to promote ethical behavior, 社区成员可以使用此系统报告关注或询问有关道德行为的问题, policy violations, or illegal behavior. Once your concern or question is received, 它将由总统办公室或民权办公室进行审查和处理. 

Faculty induced constraints on students' time  

Announcing we can make sure students can truly have a break from class, class assignments, emails, and notifications. 

Emily Chan


Norm setting discussions with all faculty—at the college-wide level, executive committee levels, and at departmental level about learning and instructional practices. 学院院长关于学习和教学政策和实践的指导意见 时间、计划、工作量、学习目标和其他教学实践. 



Focus on more clear, transparent, and easier to access communications  

Todd Woodward


内部沟通经理正在继续研究和改变我们与校园沟通的方式, and building a strategic plan.

Health and Wellness website review 

Review content on all our resource websites for ease of access and clarity 

Todd Woodward

Block 1, 2023 


New ways for the president and the cabinet to listen and engage with campus 


Todd Woodward, Ryan Simmons

Block 8, 2023 


Cascading, human communications vs. digital  

我们过于依赖数字与人类交流,尤其是在危机时期——我们将开发一种更及时、更人性化的流程, arming campus to have human conversations and support 

Todd Woodward, Ryan Simmons  

Block 6, 2023 

Same as above. Outlining all ways campus can engage in-person with leadership

Report an issue - Last updated: 11/16/2023